
Saturday 4 June 2011

Tattoo Troubles...

So Tuesday is approaching, the day of my first tattoo. Am I nervous? Of course not!! (that was a lie!) Ok, I'm getting kind of worried about the pain. will it hurt as bad as people make out? The question I really want to know the answer to though is, why God, why, can't you take painkillers before getting a tattoo?! It's just not fair!
When it comes to the pain aspect of things, a lot of people have said it's like someone scratching your skin over and over. That all sounds well and good but if that really is the case, why do people keep telling me how much a tattoo is going to hurt. They could at least lie to me to make everything sound all nice and flowery. Ok so I'm not a kid, I understand! Just tell me the truth and get it over with. I'll just have a little cry at night thinking about it. 
A lot of people have also said "No pain, no gain!" which I think is a great saying because when you want a tattoo as bad as I do, I guess pain is something you just have to put up with. I'm just hoping that the pain isn't as bad as I'm thinking because I've also been told "If you can handle pain well, then you will be fine!" But I honestly couldn't tell you if I can handle pain. Pain is the one thing I try my best to avoid in life. I've never broken a bone, and the pain that has given me the most annoyance in the past has been... paper cuts. How horrible are they?! Everyone who knows me will know that when I get a paper cut, that's all I will talk about all day, amongst random 'ow' noises and the occasional 'oooh it hurts!'
So maybe I'm not good with pain...Let's hope the tattooist will go easy on me, otherwise I will be out of that chair before you can say tattoo, with a nice squiggly line to show my bravery!


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