
Thursday 26 May 2011

Guilty Pleasures

Ok, so I know I'm supposed to be young and fit, but nothing beats a day spent lazing around watching day time television, am I right? I think so.
Today was supposed to be one of those days, where you hear the rain on your window and think, today, I am not leaving the house!
Anyway, one thing led to another, meaning my ;azy day turned out to be slightly less lazy, and more action packed! With a visit to Physical Graffiti to book my tattoo and a nice little shop in Cardiff, accompanied with a KFC, of course.
When I arrived home from my ever so stressful day, I thought to myself, I would love to indulge in every type of food possible right now... and since then, my evening has consisted of craving just about anything that isn't in my fridge or cupboards.
I thought I'd compile a list of my guilty pleasures, so you can get to know me a little better. You know, thing that you wouldn't want to risk not taking to a desert island with you. Most of my list obviously consists of food, but have a look, and let me know what your guilty pleasures consist of!

-My phone (which is a crappy Blackberry at the moment, but soon to be an I Phone 4.)
-Spaghetti Bolognaise, how could I go without my favourite meal?
-My bed...Ooh its a comfy one!
-Facebook.. I just can't imgine life without it, how sad!
-Slippers, cold feet = my version of hell.
-Shampoo - greasy hair is so wrong.
-KFC, sounds greedy but it's just so good!
-A Lady Gaga CD- probably should be at the top of this list! Couldn't live without my daily Gaga fix!
-Razor- what girl wants gorrila legs? Not me, thats for sure!
-Galaxy, melted Galaxy is to die for. Oh wait, that also means I'd need a...
-Microwave (because I can't cook to save my life!)


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